How to live happilyكيف تعيش سعيدا

كيف تعيش سعيداً دائما

 What's the best way to enjoy life? From all the latest studies in psychology, neuroscience, epigenetics, anthropology it has been discovered that to be happy you need to take just a step back and rediscover the sobriety and simplicity of human nature. So to be happy you need free time to be able to build harmonious human relationships with our fellow humans, and to be able to manifest your humanity through creativity. Most people don't need much to live: a roof over their heads, 2 hot meals a day, the comforts of technological progress i.e. the most useful household appliances, electricity and running water, interpersonal communication devices such as the telephone, and being able to move to reach other people with whom to establish relationships. Enough. Everything else is ephemeral, harmful and a source of stress. Even deepening many studies is often counterproductive. Even if studying is useless to reach this awareness, to understand it you must have studied. So studying for simple ego satisfaction takes away from the meaning of life. It is no coincidence that all of this is denied us, especially the large amount of free time. Because your time is needed by the bosses of society to make you produce surplus in the form of products and services. And you won't be left with much free time. Furthermore, all essential services for people are monopolized and expensive. But if you manage to carve out a job and an income that allows you to work no more than 20-24 hours a week, the remaining free time you can use to build creative activities and human relationships that can make you happy. Do not underestimate the transfer to a temperate geographical area where the sun beats 300 days a year. Like Canary Islands and southern Spain/Portugal, Sicily, Campania, Sardinia, Costa Rica, etc. Growing in sunny and bright areas facilitates the mood and the pleasure of living. It is no coincidence that among the statistics of the spread of psychiatric disorders (and also of serial killers) there is precisely the foggy countries, where gray dominates.


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